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Venicescapes publishes a range of original reference materials developed for use with the guided historical tours.  They include timelines and anthologies — all extraordinary aids to fully experience Venice and truly understand its eventful history and incomparable art.

Singular keepsakes included with the educational tours, these unique reference guides and timelines are also available at select bookshops, museums, and art galleries in Venice.

History of Venice timeline
material protected by copyright

History of
the Republic of Venice

a comprehensive timeline covering two thousand years from the birth of the Roman Empire to the modern-day Republic of Italy and including the major events in Venice's history and those of the empires, caliphates, republics, and states whose stories are interwoven


History of Venice timeline
material protected by copyright

Venetian Architecture

a comprehensive timeline
with the lives and principal works of the Venetian architects
and their European contemporaries along with the major international events and the milestones in architectural theory



Timeline of Venetian Renaissance art
material protected by copyright

Religious Art
of the Venetian Renaissance

a timeline with the lives and principal religious works of the great Venetian masters and their Italian contemporaries along with the Venetian doges and wars, the popes, emperors, rulers of Milan, Florence, Mantua, and Ferrara, and the religious and humanistic milestones of the Renaissance


Timeline of eighteenth-century Venetian art
material protected by copyright

Venetian Painting
in the Eighteenth Century

a comprehensive timeline with the lives and principal works of the Venetian painters and their European contemporaries along with the major scientific, technological, and philosophical achievements of the
Age of Enlightenment



Literary Companion for the guided walking tour of Venice focuing on the Age of Enlightenment and its impact on political and moral values in eighteenth-century Venice
material protected by copyright

Literary Companion
The Age of Decadence

an exclusive anthology of eighteenth-century writings including journals and letters from the Grand Tour, sonnets of Giorgio Baffo, comedies of Carlo Goldoni, excerpts from “Useless Memoirs” by Carlo Gozzi, and articles from the “Gazzetta veneta”



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